Text Color:
I have label control that displays the Status of each issue,
and the status is choice column in SharePoint list. Here I am trying to display
different statuses in different colors.
Select Status label in the first row of the gallery, and at
the top of the screen, select the Color property to type in the function box.
If the status is completed, show green, otherwise black.
If( ThisItem.Status.Value = "Completed", Color.Green, Color.Black )
If you have multiple statuses wher you need to set up multiple colors: use Switch which is similar to IF.
In my scenario, if it’s completed show green, if In
progress, purple, if Blocked, Red, otherwise if none of those are the case, the
color will be black.
Switch( ThisItem.Status.Value, "Completed", Color.Green, "Blocked", Color.Red, "In Progress", Color.Purple, Color.Black )
When the record is selected:
If( ThisItem.IsSelected, ColorFade( RGBA(208,235,242,1 ), -30% ), RGBA(0,0,0,0 ) )
If the task is assigned to the current user, the
user’s name will be displayed in a bold font weight.
If( ThisItem.'Assigned To'.Email = User().Email, FontWeight.Bold, FontWeight.Normal )
If you would like to display a different icons for each of the 3 different priority levels.
Select the first row of the gallery and
Insert any icon from the Icons. There is a property called Icon on the icon,
which tells you its name.
In my scenario, if the priority is High, show
warning icon, if Medium, Information, if none of those are the case, Icon will
be low/download.
Switch( ThisItem.Priority, "High", Icon.Warning, "Medium", Icon.Information, Icon.Download )
In Power App all the controls will have a Fill
property, for the fill color. Here I want to show as a different color
depending on the priority for a Icon. If it’s high priority, Red, if Medium,
Orange, otherwise Aquamarine.
Switch( ThisItem.Priority, "High", Color.Red, "Medium", Color.Orange, Color.Aquamarine )
If the status is equal to "In progress"
show as Light yellow, otherwise white. To set the row’s background color,
select the gallery, and go to the property called TemplateFill.
If( ThisItem.Status.Value = "In Progress", Color.LightYellow, Color.White )
Disable a Icon or Button:
You can change the DisplayMode of any control, based
on a condition. When you disable a button, by default it will show as grey, so
that the button is still there, but clearly not clickable. In this example,
I’ll use a Edit Icon, and I’ll disable it if the task has been completed.
Select the Icon, go to the DisplayMode property:
If( ThisItem.Status.Value = "Completed", DisplayMode.Disabled, DisplayMode.Edit )
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