Recently we have migrated SharePoint 2010 site to SharePoint Online and after the migration we noticed an issue in some of the doc libraries. Contents can be uploaded, but the prompt to fill out properties is not happening and when selecting to edit properties, the fields to populate/amend is not appearing. Edit shows as a blank screen. See this below screen.
We have changed the view from modern to classic list view where I can see all the fields but was not able to update the item due to 'Copy Source' field which is OOTB column.
The root cause is the read only column "Copy Source" being added to the list's content type "Document". Removing the field from content type, classic view starts working. However in modern view still prompts the blank screen.
We fixed the issue in Modern UI by removing below fields from Document Content Type using PowerShell script.
like wise we have the same issue with Picture library, Custom list, Links list as well.Note: OOTB field IDs are unique for all the lists/libraries in site collection.
#Load SharePoint CSOM Assemblies Add-Type -Path "F:\microsoft.sharepointonline.csom.16.1.8412.1200\lib\net45\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll" Add-Type -Path "F:\microsoft.sharepointonline.csom.16.1.8412.1200\lib\net45\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll" Add-Type -Path "F:\microsoft.sharepointonline.csom.16.1.8412.1200\lib\net45\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy.dll" Try { $WebURL="" $UserName="" $Password ='XXXXXXXXX' $Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName,(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force)) #Set up the context $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($WebURL) $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get Lists from the web $Ctx.Load($Ctx.Web.Lists) $Ctx.executeQuery() #Impacted content types $ContentTypeName="Document" $ContentTypeName1="Link" $ContentTypeName2="Picture" $ContentTypeName3="Item" #Get Lists from the web $Lists = $Ctx.Web.Lists $Ctx.Load($Lists) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Loop through each document library and Get the Title Foreach ($list in $Lists) { Write-host $list.Title if(($list.Title -eq "Correspondence") -or ($list.Title -eq "Supporting Documentation") -or ($list.Title -eq "Project Plan")) { #Get contenttype from list $ctypecoll = $list.ContentTypes #| Where {$_.Name -Match $ContentTypeName} #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Ctx.Load($ctypecoll) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() $ctypecoll.Name #Check if the content type exists in the list $ContentType = $ctypecoll | Where {$_.Name -eq $ContentTypeName} If($ContentType -eq $Null) { Write-host "Content Type '$ContentTypeName' doesn't exists in '$list'" -f Yellow Return } write-host -f Green "Content Type ID:" $ContentType.Name write-host -f Green "Content Type ID:" $ContentType.Id #Get the column to delete from content type $ContentTypeFieldColl = $ContentType.Fields $Ctx.Load($ContentTypeFieldColl) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get the field link from content type $FieldLinkColl = $ContentType.FieldLinks $Ctx.Load($FieldLinkColl) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get Author Field $author = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('1df5e554-ec7e-46a6-901d-d85a3881cb18') $Ctx.Load($author) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $author.Name $author.DisplayName #Get Editor Field $editor = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2') $Ctx.Load($editor) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $editor.Name #Get Copy Source Field $copysource = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('6b4e226d-3d88-4a36-808d-a129bf52bccf') $Ctx.Load($copysource) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $copysource.Name #Get Checked Out To Field $checkedoutto = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('3881510a-4e4a-4ee8-b102-8ee8e2d0dd4b') $Ctx.Load($checkedoutto) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $checkedoutto.Name $author.DeleteObject() $editor.DeleteObject() $copysource.DeleteObject() $checkedoutto.DeleteObject() $ContentType.Update($false) $ctx.ExecuteQuery() Write-host "Columns" $author.Name "," $editor.Name "," $copysource.Name "," $checkedoutto.Name "Deleted from list:" $list.Title "Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($list.Title -eq "Photos") { #Get contenttype from list $ctypecoll = $list.ContentTypes $Ctx.Load($ctypecoll) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() $ctypecoll.Name #Check if the content type exists in the list $ContentType = $ctypecoll | Where {$_.Name -eq $ContentTypeName2} If($ContentType -eq $Null) { Write-host "Content Type '$ContentTypeName2' doesn't exists in '$list'" -f Yellow Return } write-host -f Green "Content Type ID:" $ContentType.Id #Get the column to delete from content type $ContentTypeFieldColl = $ContentType.Fields $Ctx.Load($ContentTypeFieldColl) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get the field link from content type $FieldLinkColl = $ContentType.FieldLinks $Ctx.Load($FieldLinkColl) #Get Author Field $author = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('1df5e554-ec7e-46a6-901d-d85a3881cb18') $Ctx.Load($author) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $author.Name #Get Editor Field $editor = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2') $Ctx.Load($editor) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $editor.Name #Get Copy Source Field $copysource = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('6b4e226d-3d88-4a36-808d-a129bf52bccf') $Ctx.Load($copysource) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $copysource.Name #Get Checked Out To Field $checkedoutto = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('3881510a-4e4a-4ee8-b102-8ee8e2d0dd4b') $Ctx.Load($checkedoutto) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $checkedoutto.Name $author.DeleteObject() $editor.DeleteObject() $copysource.DeleteObject() $checkedoutto.DeleteObject() $ContentType.Update($false) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() Write-host "Columns" $author.Name "," $editor.Name "," $copysource.Name "," $checkedoutto.Name "Deleted from list:" $list.Title "Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($list.Title -eq "Helpful Links") { #Get contenttype from list $ctypecoll = $list.ContentTypes $Ctx.Load($ctypecoll) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() $ctypecoll.Name #Check if the content type exists in the list $ContentType = $ctypecoll | Where {$_.Name -eq $ContentTypeName1} If($ContentType -eq $Null) { Write-host "Content Type '$ContentTypeName1' doesn't exists in '$list'" -f Yellow Return } write-host -f Green "Content Type ID:" $ContentType.Id #Get the column to delete from content type $ContentTypeFieldColl = $ContentType.Fields $Ctx.Load($ContentTypeFieldColl) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get the field link from content type $FieldLinkColl = $ContentType.FieldLinks $Ctx.Load($FieldLinkColl) #Get Author Field $author = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('1df5e554-ec7e-46a6-901d-d85a3881cb18') $Ctx.Load($author) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $author.Name #Get Editor Field $editor = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2') $Ctx.Load($editor) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $editor.Name $author.DeleteObject() $editor.DeleteObject() $ContentType.Update($false) $ctx.ExecuteQuery() Write-host "Columns" $author.Name "," $editor.Name "Deleted from list:" $list.Title "Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green } elseif ($list.Title -eq "Custom List") { #Get contenttype from list $ctypecoll = $list.ContentTypes $Ctx.Load($ctypecoll) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() $ctypecoll.Name #Check if the content type exists in the list $ContentType = $ctypecoll | Where {$_.Name -eq $ContentTypeName3} If($ContentType -eq $Null) { Write-host "Content Type '$ContentTypeName3' doesn't exists in '$list'" -f Yellow Return } write-host -f Green "Content Type ID:" $ContentType.Id #Get the column to delete from content type $ContentTypeFieldColl = $ContentType.Fields $Ctx.Load($ContentTypeFieldColl) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get the field link from content type $FieldLinkColl = $ContentType.FieldLinks $Ctx.Load($FieldLinkColl) #Get Author Field $author = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('1df5e554-ec7e-46a6-901d-d85a3881cb18') $Ctx.Load($author) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $author.Name #Get Editor Field $editor = $FieldLinkColl.GetById('d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2') $Ctx.Load($editor) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() write-host $editor.Name $author.DeleteObject() $editor.DeleteObject() $ContentType.Update($false) $ctx.ExecuteQuery() Write-host "Columns" $author.Name "," $editor.Name "Deleted from list:" $list.Title "Successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green } } } Catch { write-host -f Red "Error Deleting Column from Content Type!" $_.Exception.Message }